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Take this note, you who are weary and jaded. If you ignore all chain letters, read this, it is the fire that fights fire. You have been sent a blessing. Those who have followed the instructions on this letter have received good fortune, as you will. The rewards of this letter supercede the promises of all other letters you may have received. This is the final chainletter you will ever send. It's instructions are simple, to recieve the fortune that has graced those who have received this before you follow these steps.

*The grace that re-creates

1. Make nine unaltered copies of this note, and send each copy to a friend or stranger within nine days of recieving this. This completed, you will have recieved not only luck and positive karma, but you have been PERMANENTLY released from the obligation to send another chain-letter.

* The snake that eats its own tail.

2. Never heed another chain-letter. By sending this letter you have already incured the fortune promised by all future letters you will receive. Ignore or destroy all future chainletters that you come in contact with. To send another chain-letter is to break the gift givin you by this letter. If you have already received and sent this letter, and you are recieving it again, destroy this copy. This letter will circle the globe, freeing its recipients from the need to send future chainletters, and, its task completed, will eventually destroy itself in the same manner. Not sending this letter curses you with ill-fortune that is the dark mirror of The good fortune you could have recieved. To ignore this letter is to recieve the bad-luck or ill-fortune mentioned in all future chain letters you will receive. only those who follow the instructions above will receive the double blessing of luck and freedom from all future chain-letters. just as sending it blessed you with the luck of all chainletters, not sending it curses you with the misfortune. Sending another chainletter after this one brings the same misfortune as well. This is the world's final chain-letter.

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