Top 10 DOJ bundling options for 1998
10 - Dairy Queen must now offer 16 flavors of their choice from Baskin Robbins' menu
9 - Ford must now offer Chrysler transmissions as an option
8 - All new automobiles must have 1 Michelin, 1 Good Year, and 2 other tires of the
manufacturer's choosing.
7 - Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast menu to include Breakfast Jack
6 - Mac OS must include Windows 95 upgrade feature
5 - SUN must now offer MS J++ and HP Java library as well as one other library of their
4 - Energizer Bunny must give equal time to Duracell.
3 - Playboy must bundle their swim suit issue with Penthouse and Sports Illustrated.
2 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarves has held a monopoly on little people for too long,
they must now incorporate three additional dwarves from one or more fairy tales.
1 - Federal Income tax forms must include US Government and one third world country of
the taxpayer's choosing.