Once again the male staff will be offering courses to women of relationship status.
Class size will be limited to 10 as course material may prove to be very difficult.
1. Combating Stupidity
2. You too can understand sports.
3. Understanding male reasons for coming home at 4:00 A.M.-DRUNK
4. Learning when it is BEST to keep your mouth shut.
5. Learning how to cook--GREAT.
6. How not to act like a BITCH when your obviously wrong.
7. Understanding your FINANCIAL INCOMPETENCE!
8. Reasons for spontaneous SEX.
9. How to run the lawn mower.
10. Garbage - Getting it to the curb.
11. Sex 101 - Attend for further information.
12. Sex 201 - Advanced students only !
13. Understanding why weekends and sports are Synonymous.
14. How not to let shopping dominate your life.
15. Understanding why as your relationship lengthens sex must become more
16. How to graciously accept the designated driver responsibility.
17. The attainable goal -- Omitting NO from your vocabulary.
18. The mandatory requirement of exercise.
19. Reasons for gifts and acceptable gifts ie. sports equip., tools.
20. Why real women admit their mistakes.
Please register immediately as courses are in GREAT demand -- as if we had any doubt !
NAME________________AGE_________ ADDRESS______________
AREAS OF SPECIFIC CONCERN_____________________
Please attach additional paper if needed!