This guy came up to me in a bar and said, "Hey Cupcake, can I buy you a
drink?" I said, "No, but I'll take the three bucks." -- Margaret Smith
Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. -- Jules
If love is the answer, can you rephrase the question? -- Lily Tomlin
Tennis is like marrying for money. Love has nothing to do with it. -- Phyllis Diller
The difference between being in a relationship and being in prison is that in prisons
they let you play softball on the weekends. -- Bobby Kelton
Love is an exploding cigar which we willingly smoke. -- Lynda Barry
A lot of people wonder how you know you're in love. Just ask yourself this one
question: "Would I mind being financially destroyed by this person?" -- Ronnie
My parents have been married for fifty years. I asked my mother how they did it. She
said, "You just close your eyes and pretend it's not happening." -- Rita Rudner
I date this girl for two years and then the nagging starts: "I wanna know your
name." -- Mike Binder
I joined a singles group in my neighborhood. The other day the president called me up
and said, "Welcome to the group. I want to find out what kind of activities you like
to plan." I said, "Well, weddings." -- Lynn Harris
Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?-- Groucho
I don't think of myself as single. I'm romantically challenged. -- Stephanie Piro
A lot of break-up songs have the same theme--the guy sings, "Baby, you're seeing
somebody new now and if he treats you bad, I'll always be here for you 'cause I love you
very much."