First Annual Kabul Air Show Scheduled
(AP) Kabul, Afghanistan
17:52GMT - Sept. 27, 2001
Citizens of Afghanistan are reportedly looking forward with great anticipation to
reports of an international air show to be held in the skies over their nation. An unnamed
official informed us that "Now the rest of the world will look upon our beloved city
with great honour just as they do Farnborough, England and Paris, France", referring
to the sites of two other famous international air shows.
The exact date and time of the upcoming Kabul International Air Show has not yet been
announced. It is believed that event organizers feel that such an announcement would
detract from the fun of the celebration by, "spoiling the surprise". Unlike most
air shows the Kabul Air Show will feature almost no static ground displays but will have
an unusually high number of aerial demonstrations and fly-bys. "We are most pleased
by this feature of our air show. Instead of a lot of different kinds of airplanes just
sitting around on the tarmac, the aircraft attending our show will actually be up in the
air demonstrating what they do best!" we were told. Participation will probably be
heaviest by aircraft of the United States Air Force and Marine Corps. Including
appearances by F-15's, F-16's, A-10's, B-52's and Apache helicopters. It is rumoured that
opening ceremonies will feature a tomahawk cruise fireworks display. A few B-2's, and
F-117A's may also help out in some unseen capacity. Several other counties have expressed
an interest in sending representatives. These include all nineteen nations in the NATO
alliance as well as Australia. The excitement generated for this gala event has even
prompted the Israeli Air Force to apply for participation.
Of course, no one is more excited than the Afghan people themselves. Great numbers of
them are in the streets of Kabul looking constantly heavenward in gratitude for the
historic event, which will soon take place in their skies. It has been observed that some
are so concerned about missing the show that even as they bow to the East they keep
snatching worried glances towards the West. Thousands, in fact, have been seen leaving the
city and fleeing to the mountains carrying food and blankets - obviously anxious to get a
good vantage point for the air show, and to make a picnic of it.